Tracking Tokens

Here are the 28 current tracking tokens (macros) available for the traffic platform.

Voluum Tracking Software
# Token Name Token Description
1%COUNTRYCODE%Replace with a country code extracted from ad call
2%CPID%Replace with a unique ID of the ad
3%DEVICEHEIGHT%Replace with the device screen height
4%DEVICEWIDTH%Replace with the device screen width
5%DID%Replace with domain (site) ID where the ad impression occurred
6%DMA%Replace with dma (metro) code as entered in the ad call using parameter "dma"
7%ELINK%Replace with an encoded link for tracking the click back to the destination URL
8%HEIGHT%Replace with max image height based on UA passed in the ad call
9%LATITUDE%Replace with the latitude value of the user device (either passed in the ad call or auto detected by IP)
10%LINK%Replace with a link (wrap URL) for tracking the click back to the destination URL
11%LINK%?redir=Replace with a link (wrap URL) for tracking the click back to the destination URL while redirecting to the URL provided by the advertiser
12%LONGITUDE%Replace with the longitude value of the user device (either passed in the ad call or auto detected by IP)
13%PHONE_BRAND%Replace with the corresponding phone brand name from WURFL
14%PHONE_MODEL%Replace with the corresponding phone model name from WURFL
15%RANDOM%Replace with a random number
16%REFURL%Encoded URL of web page where the ad impression occured
17%REGIONCODE%Replace with a region code (a state code in case of US)
18%SID%Impression ID is passed through the landing page
19%TIMESTAMP%Replace with the Unix timestamp
20%TRACKURL%Replace with a link for tracking impressions
21%UID%Unique ID of the visitor
22%VAR_androidid%Android ID (if passed in by publisher)
23%VAR_idfa%IDFA iOS6+ identifierForAdvertising (if passed in by publisher)
24%VAR_macaddress%MAC Address (if passed in by publisher)
25%VAR_openudid%OpenUDID (if passed in by publisher)
26%VAR_secureudid%SecureUDID (if passed in by publisher)
27%WIDTH%Replace with max image width based on UA passed in the ad call
28%ZIP%Replace with zip code as entered in the ad call

Mojiva Conversion Tracking

S2S (Server-to-Server) Postback URL

Updates soon

Special Notes:

There are no special notes about using tokens.


All tokens and information on this site is provided AS IS. We are not responsible for any errors, missing tokens, changes or lost income as the result of using any information on this site. By using this site, you are acknowledging that you agree to our terms of service.

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Popular Tracking Software:

  1. Voluum
  2. RedTrack
  3. Thrive
  4. BeMob
  5. AdsBridge

We Recommend:

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Voluum Tracking Software

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